• Question: how do we study the stars

    Asked by imy to Carolyn, Peter, Richard, Sara, Siana on 12 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Richard Unwin

      Richard Unwin answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      Telescopes. They’re not all ‘traditional’ telescopes with a long tube and glass lenses at either end. In Manchester we have Jodrell Bank, a huge radio-telescope which is a dish 80m across which catches radio waves from space. If you’re ever near Manchester it’s worth a visit – on a clear day I can see this dish from my house, and it’s about 20 miles away!

    • Photo: Sara Falcone

      Sara Falcone answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      Wow Richard I’m so jelly! Time to plan a trip to Manchester .

      But yes, essentially telescope but it is amazing what you can do with them and analyzing the data. I’d look up “KIC 8462852” 😉
