• Question: is it possible to have an earthquake with enough power to destroy the whole earth??/

    Asked by Janice to Sara on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Sara Falcone

      Sara Falcone answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      I don’t know much of geophysics, I only studied it a bit in high school (long time ago now 🙁 ). But as a good scientist should, I did a bit of searching.
      Here is a good explanation http://sci-why.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/how-big-can-earthquake-be.html
      In summary: no, it is not possible because since a earthquake happens when the rocks break, they would break before producing enough energy to create a doomsday earthquake.
      Thanks a lot for asking me this question, I learned something new 🙂
