• Question: What cutting edge technology will be coming to us very soon? In Back to the Future they had hover boards, but we don't even have them yet!

    Asked by Grace03 to Carolyn, Peter, Richard, Sara, Siana on 18 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Sara Falcone

      Sara Falcone answered on 18 Nov 2015:

      Hahahah Grace, I love your quote. You are totally right! Why don’t we have hover boards yet?!?
      I don’t really know how to answer to this question as it is not my field. I have lots of friends working in physics (I work in a big campus, lots of different thing are going on here) and most of them work on new material…. so probably we will soon have things made of something completely new.

    • Photo: Richard Unwin

      Richard Unwin answered on 18 Nov 2015:

      Hi Grace,

      There are several in development that i think will make a big impact over the next, say 10 years. one is the use of robotics and tech (think how far phones and music players have come in the last 10 years). there’s also new materials like graphene, a super-thin, super-conductive material that could take computing and electronics to a whole other level.
