• Question: What happens when you mix milk, sugar and lemonade

    Asked by cam34 to Carolyn, Peter, Richard, Sara, Siana on 18 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Richard Unwin

      Richard Unwin answered on 18 Nov 2015:

      No idea, but it doesn’t sound very tasty!

      My guess is the acid from the lemonade will make the milk curdle, but it sounds like an experiment waiting to be done. Try it and let me know!

    • Photo: Sara Falcone

      Sara Falcone answered on 18 Nov 2015:

      Not sure about sugar, but you can make goat cheese like that (well with lemon juice not lemonade).
      Heat the milk, add the lemon juice, stir, wait, drain, EAT 😀
