• Question: what is the average age of a human

    Asked by 442aged37 to Carolyn, Peter, Richard, Sara, Siana on 10 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Siana Jones

      Siana Jones answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      Do you mean the average life expectancy? This is roughly 84 years for women and 80 years for men.

    • Photo: Richard Unwin

      Richard Unwin answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      If you mean life expectancy, Siana is right in that it’s in our early 80s. However, this depends on where you are in the world. In some countries, e.g. poorer countries in Africa or the Indian subcontinent life expectancy is lower due to the presence of diseases such as malaria, or poverty meaning worse sanitation, lack of healthcare or lack of food.
