• Question: what will come from your reaserch?

    Asked by esme to Carolyn, Peter, Richard, Sara, Siana on 15 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Siana Jones

      Siana Jones answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      Hi esme,
      I hope that a better understanding of the way skeletal muscle uses oxygen in health and disease will come from my research. I also hope that I will become a better scientist with each project that I do.

      If I make lots of money from my research that will be good to:)

    • Photo: Peter Francis

      Peter Francis answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      Our work in relation to muscle injury focuses on footballers and endurance athletes. Muscle injury is the most prevalent injury in football and contributes to the greatest amount of time missed from training and matches. Furthermore, muscle re-injury leads to significantly greater muscle damage than the initial injury. Deficits in muscle function can remain even when MRI imaging appears clear which suggests imaging alone cannot govern return to play criteria. Our work aims to chart muscle function pre, during and post injury.

    • Photo: Richard Unwin

      Richard Unwin answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      Some things have already come from it, in that we now know about some changes that happen in organs as a result of disease that we didn’t know about before (one of these is the build-up of a chemical called urea in the brain of people who have a certain type of dementia). The next stage is to develop new ways of treating patients based on this information. We are currently working on two medicines that we hope will reverse some of these changes in dementia and in diabetes.
